Sunday Worship - One Service @ 11 AM in the Sanctuary

Children's Ministries

Family Ministries of Katy First equips and empowers children and families to grow together as joyful disciples of Jesus Christ.

Nursery – 9:30am to Noon – Located in the Education Building, Room 106. 

Nursery is available for infants and toddlers, generally three year olds and younger, during the Sunday school hour and throughout worship.  Our nursery staff are experienced preschool teachers and are also safe-sanctuary trained and background checked.  At drop-off your child will be greeted by our nursery staff and invited to play with age-appropriate toys. Feel free to send any preferred snacks or beverages for your child that might help them feel more comfortable and we also keep a variety of snacks on hand.  You will sign your child in when you arrive, letting us know about any particular needs or wants, as well as any allergies.  We will also ask you to provide your location (ie Sunday school class) and your cell number so that we can call you, if necessary.  For any questions about nursery please contact our Pastor of Family Ministries, Rev. Becca Newcomb at

Sunday School – 9:45am to 10:45am

Children ages 4- 5th graders meet for Sunday school on the first floor of the Education building.  We currently use the Celebrate Wonder curriculum through Cokesbury Kids.

Katy First Kids – 11:00am to Noon – Check in at the Sanctuary Connection Area

Our Katy First Kids program is an age-appropriate time of Bible study and fun that allows our kids to participate in the beginning of worship and then go into their own time of discipleship together.  Children, ages 4 through current 5th graders, are released from the Sanctuary service after the children's message and escorted by our Katy First Kids leaders and volunteers to the Fellowship Hall. On communion Sundays, the first Sunday of each month, students will be released before the beginning of the sermon and brought back to the sanctuary in time to take communion with their families. During Katy First Kids, children will learn about a Bible story either through storytelling or a video.  They will read and hear scripture passages and participate in a short interactive message. After our study time together children will have a chance to enjoy a snack and some time to play games or create art.  Each child needs to be registered for Katy First Kids in the Connection Center of the Sanctuary or in the Fellowship Hall Kitchen. Please use name tags stickers at the check-in table. Activities will be appropriate for children four years old and older.  All of our leaders and adult volunteers are safe-sanctuary trained and background checked. Parents are welcome to come and participate at any time.

Children of any age are always wanted and welcome in worship! The noise and wiggles of kids is a blessing to all of us.  There are age appropriate, interactive worship bulletins and crayons for children at Katy First Kids registration table. If you need to step out for any reason, the worship service is broadcast in the Connection Center.  

Monday Funday Art & Song-Mondays after school!

For more information about Monday Funday Art & Song activities or to become a volunteer, please contact our Director of Worship and Music Ministry Barry Barrios

Family Ministry Advent Resources

Advent is the season of hopeful anticipation as we wait for the coming of Christ.  It is a beautiful time in the life of the church, and it can be a wonderful time for families to reconnect with each other and deepen their faith.  It can also be difficult as a parent or caregiver to know what all the opportunities are to make the most of the season.  We're here to help!  Below you will find links, book lists, videos, and activity suggestions for you to choose from to enhance your experience of the season. There is no wrong, right, best, or worst way to experience this holy season.  Use whatever works best for your family to create a wonderful time of rest and reconnection this Advent!

One of the easiest, and also most fun, ways to help your family engage with Advent is through stories!  The books listed below are not all overtly Christian, but all hold an important truth of Christ while also being entertaining for our kiddos.

Books for the whole family

Activities for the Whole Family

This can be a great activity in place of, or in addition to, something like Elf on the Shelf.

The Giving Manger

Shepherd on the Search

Books for Littles

If you are looking for a family devotional, we recommend taking time to read scripture together!  Scripture is a gift that we can learn from and be guided by!  You might try reading through the book of Luke as a family- if you start reading one chapter a night on December 1 you will have read the entire Gospel of Luke by Christmas Eve!  You can also use the lectionary to find weekly or daily scripture readings.

New this year

Sundays 3:45-5pm in the Family Life Center

Join our third, fourth, and fifth grade students at our weekly program tailored just to them! Our kids will get the chance to play games, hang out with friends, try new activities, and engage in Bible study together.  

Register your 3rd, 4th, or 5th Grader Here