Sunday Worship - One Service @ 11 AM in the Sanctuary

Support KAty First



online giving

Thank you for supporting the mission and ministry of Katy First UMC so that we can fully live into God's vision for our church together! Please click the button for online giving.

online giving

2025 Annual Giving Pledge

To fill out an annual giving pledge, please click the button below. If you have issues filling the form, contact our finance department at , or call the church at 281-391-2121.

2025 online pledge card  2025 FOR THE LOVE INFO    2025 NARRATIVE BUDGET


Endowment Fund

The Permanent Endowment Fund of Katy First United Methodist Church provides a unique opportunity to create a permanent legacy of ministry for future generations.  

“Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, as long as ever you can.”  – John Wesley

participate in Extravagant Generosity! 
Everything in life is built upon a foundation that others have provided. Giving to the Permanent Endowment is a way you can extend the legacy of faith we have received since 1898.  Your contributions to the endowment will continue this tradition of generosity for future generations.

Possible ministries to benefit from the Permanent Endowment Fund may include:I know the plans I have for you

  • Community Nurture and Care Ministry

  • Seniors Adult Ministry

  • Youth Ministry

  • Children’s Ministry

  • Outreach Ministry

  • Care and Maintenance of Facilities

  • Worship and Music Ministry

    Endowment Funds are invested with The Texas Methodist Foundation, located in Austin, Texas.

    Fund questions
    Please contact Barbara Chastain, chair, or one of the pastors at Katy  for more information.

How are Endowment gifts different from other church donations?
Gifts to the Endowment Fund create a continuous stream of income for the church beyond one’s lifetime. The endowment principle is permanent and only the earned interest income can be distributed.

Are Permanent Endowment fund gifts tax deductible?
Yes. Your gifts to the Katy First Endowment Fund are deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes. Bequests, Life Income Gifts and other Donations of Value are generally exempt from Federal Estate and Gift taxes. 

Who administers the fund?
The Endowment Fund is administered by the Endowment Fund Committee at the direction of the Church Conference. The Committee will oversee all investments of this fund and recommend when and how distributions will be made. 

What kinds of gifts can be made to our endowment fund? 
The Endowment can receive many types of gifts but is not limited to

  • Cash

  • Real estate

  • Personal property

  • Stocks and bonds

  • Life insurance

  • Planned Gifts

Is my gift too small?
All gifts of any amount are significant because they contribute to the overall growth of the principal amount, which compounds the return on investments.

What is a planned gift?
A Planned Gift is financially structured to serve the needs of the Giver and the Church.  

  • Charitable gift annuities, which provide payments for life, tax benefits and ultimately benefit our permanent endowment fund 

  • Gifts through wills, also known as bequests

  • Charitable Remainder and Charitable Lead Trusts