Sunday Worship - One Service @ 11 AM in the Sanctuary

The Foundry Gathering

The Foundry Gathering

August 24, 2024 8:30am

Address: Family Life Center, 5618 Fifth Street, Katy, TX US 77493

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What is The Foundry?

This half day event is for ALL people who call Katy First home and is designed to help train us as a church in areas of leadership, Wesleyan spiritual formation, and church mission/vision. This year we are on focusing on our communal life together as we explore - social holiness, social justice, reading scripture in community, and how to lead in a small group.


8:30-9:00 – light breakfast and gathering
9:00 – Large group - Vision and values of Katy First – Explanation of our focus for this year.
9:45 – Session 1*
10:30 – Break
10:45 – Session 2*
11:30 – Large group – how we get people involved in groups and service in the church

*We are offering four session, but participants will only pick 2 sessions to attend.

Session Descriptions:

Social Justice – Serving the community

Because our faith is communal, we are people committed to justice and action for our world. This session will explore what social justice looks like in our faith, and why it is important. It will explore the Social Principles, which are officially approved guidance to United Methodist about how we are to live our faith in the world among many issues.

Social Holiness – Growing in community

“The Gospel of Christ knows no religion but social; no holiness, but social holiness.” - John W.

The DNA of the early Methodist movement was build on what John Wesley called "social holiness". The Wesleyan movement was a movement of small groups, and our theology has always been driven by our need for one another so that we grow together. This session will explore why our faith formation requires community and what that looks like in our church.

Wesleyan Quadrilateral – Reading scripture in community

The Wesleyan Quadrilateral refers to the methodology of how our understanding of God and faith are formed. The quadrilateral uses scripture, experience, tradition, and reason as four areas that are essential to our growing faith. It is a vital way we read our scriptures because it provides a tool to never read scripture alone. With others, it helps us identity our lens and understanding that we each bring - guiding us to deeper and better questions. And even if we read our scripture alone, it ensures we never read scripture in isolation or in a bubble. This session will explore the quadrilateral and how it can be used in our reading of scripture in community.

    Leadership in Small Groups – Leading within small group community

    The session will focus on the practical ways to lead in small groups. From leading group discussion to facilitating relational growth to organizing service projects or offering group care, there are many different forms of "leadership" in a small group. Whether you are someone who wants to lead or you're someone who wants to better understand how to cultivate a better small group environment for your small group, this session will offer guidance and direction to better equip small group leadership. 


    Is childcare provided?
    Yes, childcare is provided for children 5th grade and younger. Children 6th grade and older are encouraged to participate!

    Will food be provided?
    Yes a light breakfast, drinks, and snacks will be provided.

    If the session I wanted to attend is full, what should I do?
    We are working to make all the content from each session available online after our gathering, so you will have access to it later. Even a session is full, we think every session will be worth your time! 

    What is the meaning of "The Foundry"
    A foundry, at its core, is a place where things are formed, given shape, and sent out with purpose. John Wesley bought an old Foundry and transformed it into the meeting place of the Methodist in 1739. This renovated Foundry is the birthplace of the renewal and Third Wave of Methodism that sparked and ignited the movement. In the tradition of Wesley and the early Methodists, we are seeking a renovation and renewal of life. The Foundry is an image captures what we hope to accomplish – a time to be formed, shaped and sent out with purpose.

    What do we mean by "spiritual and leadership formation"?
    Spiritual formation is following Christ and being formed in the way of Jesus. Leadership formation is that which helps us take personal ownership and responsibility in whatever our part is to play. Leadership comes in all shapes and sizes. While only some may be in charge of a group, all are called to lead ourselves and play our part in the life of the church. We believe everyone is to be formed by Christ, and everyone has a part to lead.


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